We are Overwhelmed - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
Save Your Photos Month - September 1
In 2019, there were over 1.4 trillion digital photos taken. There are also an estimated 1.7 trillion printed photos in boxes, albums, and drawers. No wonder we are overwhelmed! The Photo Managers and The Picture Org(anizer) can help!
With so many photos already in your closet, your computer, and your phone, it’s easy to be overwhelmed!
The first step in organizing your photo collection is to DEFINE YOUR GOALS -- especially if there’s a deadline! You have to decide that whatever you’re doing is important to you, that it’s worth it. In the class, 10 Reasons to Organize Your Photos, Adam Pratt (Chaos to Memories) will cover ten motivations for tackling a photo organizing project, including the desire to preserve, share, and secure your family photo memories.
Sign up for this and over 40 other short courses to help you get started organizing your family photo collection at https://saveyourphotos.org.
Are you ready to start organizing, but need some help? Sign up for a free 30-minute project chat with The Picture Org(anizer) today! https://www.thepictureorg.com/lets-get-started