
The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.
— Andy Warhol
Digitizing a Scrapbook or Photo Album
John Spear John Spear

Digitizing a Scrapbook or Photo Album

Have you created (or inherited) some great scrapbooks or photo albums? Do you want to preserve them against damage, loss, or just share them with the family?

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Holidays and Photos
John Spear John Spear

Holidays and Photos

With the holiday season already upon us, our photos can connect us with friends and family who are apart from us this season. Let The Picture Org (anizer) help you organize your photos for easy sharing and enjoyment!

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Your Family Archive - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Your Family Archive - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Private online family websites and cloud storage companies let you upload, share, and archive family photos and memorabilia. Easily collaborate with family members, collect family history, and create timelines. When choosing a provider, take advantage of free trials and run a test with a small group of photos before you commit. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Adding Metadata - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Adding Metadata - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Metadata is information that is digitally attached to your images and can help identify key information. This data makes it easier for you to search for your images and helps tell the story of the photo. Photo organizing software allows you to embed this information into your image files. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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The Two-Second Rule - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

The Two-Second Rule - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

As you sort your photos, resist the urge to reminisce and linger; there will be plenty of time for that later. Hold a photo only as long as it takes to determine which pile it should be in - about two seconds. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Make Good Choices - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Make Good Choices - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

When you choose photo organizing software, you need to consider your comfort level with technology, your operating system, your time, and most importantly, your lifestyle - how will you access and maintain your photos? #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Beware the Chemical Sandwich - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Beware the Chemical Sandwich - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Old magnetic or "sticky" albums contain unsafe components that act as a chemical sandwich for your photos. The acids from the plastic and adhesive are very harmful to your photos and will cause them to deteriorate. Remove the photos as quickly as possible! #SaveYourPhotos2020

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How to Organize - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

How to Organize - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

How should you organize your photos? There is no right or wrong way, just whatever makes sense to you. If you already have some chronology in place, look for ways to build on that structure. If your photos are unsorted, start organizing by theme: holidays, vacations, kids sports, etc. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Start with Digital - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Start with Digital - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Tackle your digital photo collection first. Your images may be at greater risk than your printed photo collection if you don't have sufficient backups in place. You will also be creating a home for your soon-to-be scanned photos. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Create a Timeline - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Create a Timeline - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Preparing a family timeline aids in the sorting process as you begin to tackle your photo and video collection. Begin by plotting significant milestones like marriage or birth dates. Then add school years, moves, vacations, and other details. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Make a Plan - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Make a Plan - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

What needs to be tackled first? Do you have photos to share for a milestone birthday? Are some in poor condition and need to be scanned before they deteriorate further? Use this information and your inventory to create a plan for organizing and digitizing. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Take an Inventory - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Take an Inventory - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Once you have finished gathering your items and placed like items together, take an inventory. For example: 6 photo albums, 4 shoeboxes of photos and letters, 10 photo CDs, 3 slide carousels, etc. This is the first step in managing your project. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Saving Kids’ Artwork - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Saving Kids’ Artwork - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Use a flatbed scanner for 2-D artwork and snap photos of oversize, 3- D, or glitter-covered masterpieces. Even better, record your child talking about a project while holding the artwork. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Play Detective - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Play Detective - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Need help dating photos? Family documents and letters contain dates and information that may unlock some mysteries. Use context clues in photos such as signs, wall calendars, or birthday candles. Even the size, markings, or type of photos can be informative. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Collect Your Supplies - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Collect Your Supplies - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Gather supplies for organizing such as cotton or nitrile gloves for safely handling photos, empty boxes for sorting, sticky notes or index cards for categorizing, and an external hard drive for collecting digital photos. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Prepare for Emotions - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Prepare for Emotions - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Photographs allow us to reflect back on our lives, both the good and the bad. Many emotions may arise when you open long-stored boxes of photos. Allow yourself time with these feelings. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Include Keepsakes - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Include Keepsakes - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Kids' artwork and family documents, as well as tangible keepsakes such as souvenirs and family heirlooms should be considered as part of your photo organizing goal. These can be scanned or photographed and added to your collection. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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So you have a lot of photos
John Spear John Spear

So you have a lot of photos

We have a LOT of photos hanging around. Maybe you inherited your parent's and grandparent's collection. You are the family archivist for the whole clan. Maybe you just love pictures and love to collect them. And now, with your phone, you take more photos than ever before, so your collection is growing both digitally and physically! 

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We are Overwhelmed - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

We are Overwhelmed - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

In 2019, there were over 1.4 trillion digital photos taken. There are also an estimated 1.7 trillion printed photos in boxes, albums, and drawers. No wonder we are overwhelmed! The Photo Managers and The Picture Org(anizer) can help!

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