
The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.
— Andy Warhol
Revive a memory for Valentine’s Day!
John Spear John Spear

Revive a memory for Valentine’s Day!

But pictures Do! Do you have a cherished memory captured in a photo that has aged or damaged through the years?

Make that photo as vivid as your memory!

The Picture Org(anizer) can digitally restore your photo and create a new archival quality print you can be proud to share and give as a gift for your Valentine's Day sweetie!

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Store Prints Safely - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Store Prints Safely - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Your printed photos and memorabilia should be stored away from light and dust in archival containers and located in the main part of the house, with average room temperatures and low humidity. Avoid basements, attics, and garages – your photos should live where you live. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Adding Metadata - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Adding Metadata - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Metadata is information that is digitally attached to your images and can help identify key information. This data makes it easier for you to search for your images and helps tell the story of the photo. Photo organizing software allows you to embed this information into your image files. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Create a Digital Photo Hub  - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Create a Digital Photo Hub - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Your digital photo hub is a designated location, such as an external hard drive, where all your original digital and scanned photos live. Copy your digital photos and videos from all your various devices including phones, camera cards, USB sticks, etc. Then begin to sort by date or theme, or whichever organizing structure you've determined. As you scan prints, add those image files to the hub. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Eliminate Duplicates - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Eliminate Duplicates - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Do you have too many duplicate images cluttering your photo collection? There's an app for that! Use a duplicate finder to locate and eliminate duplicate and near-duplicate images. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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How to Organize - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

How to Organize - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

How should you organize your photos? There is no right or wrong way, just whatever makes sense to you. If you already have some chronology in place, look for ways to build on that structure. If your photos are unsorted, start organizing by theme: holidays, vacations, kids sports, etc. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Start with Digital - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Start with Digital - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Tackle your digital photo collection first. Your images may be at greater risk than your printed photo collection if you don't have sufficient backups in place. You will also be creating a home for your soon-to-be scanned photos. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Create a Timeline - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Create a Timeline - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Preparing a family timeline aids in the sorting process as you begin to tackle your photo and video collection. Begin by plotting significant milestones like marriage or birth dates. Then add school years, moves, vacations, and other details. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Make a Plan - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Make a Plan - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

What needs to be tackled first? Do you have photos to share for a milestone birthday? Are some in poor condition and need to be scanned before they deteriorate further? Use this information and your inventory to create a plan for organizing and digitizing. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Take an Inventory - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Take an Inventory - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Once you have finished gathering your items and placed like items together, take an inventory. For example: 6 photo albums, 4 shoeboxes of photos and letters, 10 photo CDs, 3 slide carousels, etc. This is the first step in managing your project. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Saving Kids’ Artwork - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Saving Kids’ Artwork - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Use a flatbed scanner for 2-D artwork and snap photos of oversize, 3- D, or glitter-covered masterpieces. Even better, record your child talking about a project while holding the artwork. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Play Detective - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Play Detective - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Need help dating photos? Family documents and letters contain dates and information that may unlock some mysteries. Use context clues in photos such as signs, wall calendars, or birthday candles. Even the size, markings, or type of photos can be informative. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Dealing with Videos - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Dealing with Videos - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Videos, both converted home movies and clips from your phone, are an important part of your memory collection and should be organized and stored in your digital photo hub with the rest of your photos. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Collect Your Supplies - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Collect Your Supplies - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Gather supplies for organizing such as cotton or nitrile gloves for safely handling photos, empty boxes for sorting, sticky notes or index cards for categorizing, and an external hard drive for collecting digital photos. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Prepare for Emotions - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Prepare for Emotions - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Photographs allow us to reflect back on our lives, both the good and the bad. Many emotions may arise when you open long-stored boxes of photos. Allow yourself time with these feelings. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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Include Keepsakes - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
John Spear John Spear

Include Keepsakes - #SaveYourPhotosMonth

Kids' artwork and family documents, as well as tangible keepsakes such as souvenirs and family heirlooms should be considered as part of your photo organizing goal. These can be scanned or photographed and added to your collection. #SaveYourPhotos2020

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