
The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.
— Andy Warhol
The best backup for your printed photos
Save Your Photos 2021 John Spear Save Your Photos 2021 John Spear

The best backup for your printed photos

Scanning (or digitizing) your pictures is the first step. Our prints and photos all suffer from the risk of loss due to fire, flood, water damage, rodents, mold, mildew, or just general fading. I have seen many photos from the early 1900s that have almost faded out of existence. (I’ve also been able to restore many of them, but that is for another day.)

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Dealing with duplicate photo prints
Save Your Photos 2021 John Spear Save Your Photos 2021 John Spear

Dealing with duplicate photo prints

Before you do anything else, decide what to do with your duplicate pictures. One of the great sales pitches for photoshops in the ‘80s and ‘90s was double (and sometimes triple) prints for the cost of one set of prints. This sounded like a great deal at the time! We could share the prints with our friends and relatives, while still having one set for ourselves!

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Holidays and Photos
John Spear John Spear

Holidays and Photos

With the holiday season already upon us, our photos can connect us with friends and family who are apart from us this season. Let The Picture Org (anizer) help you organize your photos for easy sharing and enjoyment!

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