“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. ”

Holidays and your photos
It’s the holiday season when time both speeds up and slows down. It’s also when families get together, making it a perfect time to get some older family photos identified.

Mini-course: How to stop photo-procrastinating
Having recently conducted a survey of the things people procrastinate about, Photo Organizing podcasters Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach found that 97% of respondents have procrastinated organizing their precious family photos. https://SaveYourPhotos.org

Digitizing a Scrapbook or Photo Album
Have you created (or inherited) some great scrapbooks or photo albums? Do you want to preserve them against damage, loss, or just share them with the family?

Holidays and Photos
With the holiday season already upon us, our photos can connect us with friends and family who are apart from us this season. Let The Picture Org (anizer) help you organize your photos for easy sharing and enjoyment!

Your Family Archive - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
Private online family websites and cloud storage companies let you upload, share, and archive family photos and memorabilia. Easily collaborate with family members, collect family history, and create timelines. When choosing a provider, take advantage of free trials and run a test with a small group of photos before you commit. #SaveYourPhotos2020