The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
Use the 3-2-1 backup strategy to safeguard your digital files. Create THREE copies of your digital data (photos, videos, documents, etc.) stored on TWO different types of media or devices (a computer and an external hard drive, for example), with ONE copy located off-site (another physical location or the cloud). #SaveYourPhotos2020
Watch over 40 free classes offered by The Photo Managers for Save Your Photos Month at
Need help getting 3-2-1 backups created? Set up a time with The Picture Org(anizer) to chat about how you want to organize your keepsakes, souvenirs, and family heirlooms along with your photos, negatives, and slides.
Almost everyone's primary camera is now their phone. What happens if you lose or damage it, or it crashes?
There are so many ways to save your photos automatically, no one should ever lose a photo again. Lisa Tonjes Moritz (HOPE Organizing) takes you through over 8 apps for backing up your phone photos. At the end of the short course, you will be able to pick at least one app to begin backing up your photos immediately. Backup Photos on Your Phone: 8 Apps
Do you need someone to help you sort through and organize your mounds of photos, both digital and physical? Contact us at The Picture Org(anizer) to discuss how we can create an organized collection you can enjoy with family and friends.