“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. ”

Mini-course: SOS: Save, Organize, & Share…
As a part of Save Your Photos Month, join Shelley Murray as she takes you through this DIY guide to preserving and organizing your family photos and videos. Learn best practices in organizing physical photos, videos, and memorabilia.

Mini-course: Three simple things you can do today to organize your digital photos
Do you feel overwhelmed with how many photos are on your phone? Do you feel like you are ‘behind’ on making your family photo albums, and you might never catch up? How about 3 tips for getting your photo clutter under control, so you can easily find, share and enjoy your memories?

Mini-course: How to stop photo-procrastinating
Having recently conducted a survey of the things people procrastinate about, Photo Organizing podcasters Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach found that 97% of respondents have procrastinated organizing their precious family photos. https://SaveYourPhotos.org