“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. ”

If you could only save 100 photos…
If you could only save 100 photos…Which ones would you choose? Which photos are the most special to you?
Which photos bring out the most memories?
Which photos bring out the most emotions?

Week 2: Making a photo plan
How would it feel to easily find and share your photos?
You’ve found your photos, but now what? You need a plan. This week, we’ll explore creating a photo legacy.

Dealing with duplicate photo prints
Before you do anything else, decide what to do with your duplicate pictures. One of the great sales pitches for photoshops in the ‘80s and ‘90s was double (and sometimes triple) prints for the cost of one set of prints. This sounded like a great deal at the time! We could share the prints with our friends and relatives, while still having one set for ourselves!

How many photos do you REALLY have?
Do you have 100, 1,000, 10,000, more? Knowing how many you have helps you figure out the scope of your photo project. Here are some industry standards we use when estimating photo counts -

Create a family timeline to help identify your photos
When you start organizing your photos, you will find out that most of them don’t have dates or events conveniently written on them. To help jog your memory, start making a timeline of major events in your family.