How many photos do you REALLY have?
You’ve found your photos, now you need to figure out how many there really are.
Do you have 100, 1,000, 10,000, more? Knowing how many you have helps you figure out the scope of your photo project. Here are some industry standards we use when estimating photo counts -
a 1-inch stack of tightly stacked photos = 100 photos
a shoebox of photos ranges anywhere from 600 - 800 photos
1 gigabyte of jpg photos on a hard drive is around 560 files
an average photo album will have 200 photos
We all have more photos than we think we have. Getting started organizing can be overwhelming. If you don’t start now, then when? Many of us have waited until the people who could identify the relatives in the photos have passed. Don’t let that be you.
If you want help with this project, The Picture Org (anizer) can get you going on your way to an organized and enjoyable Family Photo Legacy! Contact us at today!