It's time to 'Save Your Photos'
What would you do if you lost all of your photos?
With fires in the West, hurricanes and flooding in the South, not to mention pandemics all around, there has never been a better time to Save Your family Photos.
Throughout the month of September, The Picture Org (anizer) (in concert with and The Photo Managers) will be offering daily tips, access to over 40 mini-classes, and live Q&A sessions with guest experts to help you Organize, Digitize, Restore, and Preserve your priceless family photos and the memories they contain.
Mini-classes will cover such topics as ‘3 Simple Ways to Create a Photo Legacy’, ‘Digital Organizing Tools’, and ‘Photo Album Rescue’. The live Q&A sessions (including one with Matt Paxton, host of PBS’ Legacy List with Matt Paxton) will give you the opportunity to get answers to your questions (and maybe win a door prize, to boot!)
It is time for you to Get YOUR Photos Out of the Box and make them safe and accessible to your family for years to come! If you are overwhelmed and don’t know how to get started, follow us on our Blog, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Twitter for a MONTH of Learning! If you would rather let someone else do the hard work and just enjoy the results, contact us at The Picture Org (anizer) and let us help YOU create YOUR photo legacy! .